Question of the month

December 6, 2010

Feel free to leave your answer on the blog or on Facebook.

How do you avoid the holiday weight gain?

a. Portion control.

b. Oh, who cares? It’s the holidays!

c. Do an extra 15 minutes of cardio.

d. Just avoid parties altogether.

Testimonial: Something for Everyone!

July 29, 2009

sara hardigan

As a new stay-at-home mom who had just relocated to San Antonio, I was worried I’d never had an adult conversation outside of my husband again! When I found Stroller Strides, I was so excited. It’s not only introduced me to amazing, smart and funny women; it has also given me the motivation to get in shape and push myself in way that I am sure I would not do if I was working out solo in a gym. There is also so much more to Stroller Strides than just working out. There are tons of activites like playdates, Mom’s Night Out, Book Club… there is something for everyone!

Sara Hardigan

Testimonial: “It has been such a positive experience for my child and me”

June 4, 2009
After my first work out at Stroller Strides, I knew I had found a fitness program that would work for both my daughter and me. I had been looking for a way to get back in my pre-pregnancy shape, but what I found was so much more!
The workouts are challenging and dynamic. Our instructors incorporate exercises I know I would never attempt working out alone. I have been a member now for several months, and I am amazed by how much stronger and fit I am. When I first started, I could barely do a few “girl style” push ups, and was easily winded during any of the cardio work. Now I can do full push ups and recently ran a half marathon!  I am definitely in better physical condition than even before my daughter came along, thanks to Lisa and all the other instructors.
One of the most positive benefits of Stroller Strides is the community of amazing and fit moms you meet. We support each other through the exciting and exhausting experience of motherhood. I look forward to each workout because I know I am doing something great for my body, but also because I get to chat with other moms and learn from their experiences. As a first time mom, I find it comforting to talk with other moms who have “been there” when I am hitting a difficult stage in my daughter’s development. I also enjoy socializing with the same ladies outside of class. Getting together for mom’s night out or book club each month is something I always look forward to. I have made some wonderful friends as a result of becoming a Stroller Strides member. 
The best part is how wonderful Stroller Strides is for my daughter. We spend every morning outside, she gets to socialize with other great kids her age, and she is learning at an early age that exercise is a daily activity. I am thrilled to be able to get a great workout in with her right by my side, no sitter or daycare required!
I highly encourage any mom of a stroller-aged child to give this workout a try. Whether you want to get in shape, make some new friends, or just get out of the house, this is a great way to do it. I am so thankful to be able to participate in this group. It has been such a positive experience for my child and me.


After my first work out at Stroller Strides, I knew I had found a fitness program that would work for both my daughter and me. I had been looking for a way to get back in my pre-pregnancy shape, but what I found was so much more!

The workouts are challenging and dynamic. Our instructors incorporate exercises I know I would never attempt working out alone. I have been a member now for several months, and I am amazed by how much stronger and fit I am. When I first started, I could barely do a few “girl style” push ups, and was easily winded during any of the cardio work. Now I can do full push ups and recently ran a half marathon!  I am definitely in better physical condition than even before my daughter came along, thanks to Lisa and all the other instructors. Read the rest of this entry »